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PanoMAGIC Install
Version 1a4d05
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PanoMAGIC Version 1a4d05
PanoMAGIC version 1a4d05
This is an interim release 8 Oct 97
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of PanoMAGIC, please read this
PanoMAGIC 1a4 project files are NOT compatible
with PanoMAGIC 1a3 project files or earlier: these
earlier files will generate error messages and
should not be used.
•Multinode Default Node Editor
The multinode tab now has a fully interactive editor for setting
the opening view of the multinode panorama.
Previously, it was necessary to create a single node movie and
set the default view in the Panorama tab. The opening view of
the single node panorama does not effect the multinode settings.
•Multinode Link Destination Node Editor
The multinode tab now has a fully interactive editor for setting
the pan tilt and fov limits of the link destination node. (a teeny star)
Previously, it was necessary to create a single node movie and
set the pan tilt and fov limits in the Panorama tab; this can still
be done. Changes to limits will effect all instances of the node:
every destination link to the node and the single node panorama.
•High Quality Thumbnail Panning
The thumbnail VRs now pan at high quality (fully antialiiased)
•VR Panorama Quality Menu
External panoramas opened with the Movies/Open Movies…
menu can have the viewing quality changed.
•Import Floor Plan PICT. (Option click to remove floor plan)
(BIG hint: anywhere in PanoMAGIC, hold down the option
key and see if any button names change)
•Forward and backward links shown (still under development)
•Node popup menus have a new naming convention for nodes:
If the node name is the default "Node nn" name, the
name in the popup menus is "Node nn", where nn is
the node number. If the node name is edited, the menu
node name is "nn the_node_name", where the_node_name
is the edited name. This change is reflected properly in all
node menus (The main window menu, the multinode default
node menu and each link popup menu in the multinode cells
and in the hotspot editor)
• 'Expando' boxes in all tab control panes.
This will allow expansion of PanoMAGIC controls without cramping
the display, which is currently tailored to support PowerBook 540
screen as a minimum size.
• Checkbox FOV in multinode link cells.
• Object movie import multinode link cells.
Warning: this is preview code only. Object not yet supported.
• Node selection when importing a multinode movie.
Warning: this always uses the first node when making panorama.
Fix expected in 1a4d05.
• Fix hotspot problems with incorrectly oriented PICTs.
Known issues:
68K version crashing has been isolated and will make the next release.
In development (1a4d06):
• New PanoramaMaker engine
This will complete the unimplemented features:
- Update multinode
- Create 'mixed' media panoramas:
Source import PICT
Source import Pano node
Source Object movie
• Support for Still pictures (QTVR1 capable only).
• Full support for URLs for QTVR2 capable browser plugins.
• Expect the default window size to be more suitable for 17" screens,
and a few Project Settings to migrate (back) into the main window.
In planning (1a5)
• Remove QuickTime VR 1.0 display support (Tell me if you object)
Display will be QTVR 2.0 only and require QuickTime VR extension
installed (It will be an optional downloadable file - licensing permitting).
QTVR 1 and QTVR 2 will still be able to be created.
• Global Positioning System support.
• Better hotspot editor.
- Smooth scrolling
- Multiple hotspot areas
In preproduction (BlackMAGIC)
•BLKMAGIC.EXE for Windows 95 and Windows NT
Happy spinning!